Thursday, February 3, 2011

Just Can't Get It Right

Good afternoon all brides to be. This morning just couldn't go right, I took the wrong bus then I forgot my project folder at home and finally my left boot is cutting my heal. My afternoon was a lot more fun thought. I am going to show you a dress that I had no way of screwing up. Here is the dress that you can't mess up.

The front view

and the back view.

As you can see this is a very simple yet elegant dress. The flower adds a beautiful and interessting touch. Other wise you can't really go wrong with this dress.

This wonderful dress was designed by Mori Lee avalible at Best for the Bride style # 6706

So that's it for today but I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow and I will try my best to be back with another dress but I am curling in someones place tomorrow so it is just a matter of time.


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