Monday, February 28, 2011

Something New

To celebrate Saskatchewan's win over team Canada, I wanted to show you a new designer today. Here is my dress of the day.

The one and only view.

So this dress was designed by Kenneth Pool style# K274.
I think this is a beautiful dress. You know my friend Angelica this is another dress that fit's into here favourites mold, sweetheart neck line and dropped waist. Oh by the way Happy Snow day everyone!
I'll try my best to be back tomorrow!


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Clean and Simple

Hello Everyone! So you may have noticed something different on my blog, that would be the picture of team Homan. Yes I may love wedding dresses but I also love curling, Rachel Homan is the girl crouching down on the left and I think she is super cool, plus she makes some fantastic shots. So today before I leave for curling, I wanted to show you a really beautiful dress and tell you to cheer for team Homan who is playing in the third place game today. So here is my dress of the day.

The front view.

A close up of the top.

The back view.

As you can see this dress is very clean and simple. It has something about it that just makes is perfect!

This dress is designed by Alfred Angelo style # 1645.

I hope that everyone is cheering for team Homan to win third place and team Saskatchewan to win the Scotties this year. Have a great day!

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Happy Saturday! Today I found this dress and I really liked it. It is very similar to what I showed you yesterday but it is a dress that has to be shown. Here is my perfect princess dress!

The front view.

A close up of the front view.

The back view.

The difference between this dress and the one yesterday, I would probably wear this dress.
This dress is available at Best for the Bride style # 2206 designed by Jade Daniels.
As you can see this dress is perfect for a princess. I hope to be back tomorrow.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Big Comeback

Hello Ladies! Guess what I discovered today... this blog has spell check! So for everyone out there who hates it when I misspell a word, your welcome. Today I handed in a project that I have been working very hard on for weeks now, I even got up early and had to rush to my bus, then I was told that he had extended the date. Here is a dress that is a celebration in it's self to celebrate the project that I now have done and handed in.

The one and only view. So the big fluffy dress is fun and is sparkly! To fluffy for me but perfect for a lot of people. If you love this dress you are probably curious of what the details for this dress are, so here we go. This dress is available at David's Bridal Style # NT8017.
I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will be back tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sweet Sparkles

Hi everyone! Curling was cancelled today so I have some extra time. Here is a dress that I think my friend Angelica would like. If you don't remember her wish list was dropped waist and a sweet heart neck line. Here is my fantstique dress of the day.

The front view

A close up of the front

And the back view.

As you can see this dress is very elegant. The sparkeled belt is beautiful and adds some glam. Overall I really like this dress.

This dress is avalible at Best For The Bride style # 9047 designed by Jai.
So I will do my best to be back tomorrow.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Pretty in Pink!

Hello beautiful ladies! Since today is a Holiday I have been watching movies and working on projects. Yesterday I watched Legally Blonde so today I had to watch Legally Blonde 2 and for anyone who has watched this movie you know that Elle the main character get's married. This is a dress that I think Elle would LOVE. This is how to look pretty in pink.

The only view I could find.

This dress is designed by Vera Wang it is part of the Vera Wang for David's Bridal collection. Style # VW351011.
I think white is the colour for weddings not pink but if a girl wants to wear pink on her special day it is her chose. Other wsie I think this dress is kind of funky. The skirt is really cool and super fun. If you love this dress but not the colour don't worry it comes in white and ivory. So that's it for today but I will do my best to be back tomorrow.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Little Colour

Happy Sunday! Today I am going to show you a quick and short post (you will see what I mean when you see the picture). SO here is my dress of the day!

The front view

A close up of the top

The back view.

As you can see this is a short lace dress with a splash of colour on the belt.
This dress is designed by Alfred Angelo. Style # 2133.
This dress is not MY style but it is a very beautiful dress.
I have curling today☺! I have to go eat lunch but I will be back tomorrow, Happy Family Day!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Something Different

Hi everyone! Quick post my friend is picking me up in an hour and I still have to empty the dishwasher☺. I just got beck from TRENDS and I am in the mood to show you something that is a bit different than the average white wedding dress.

The front view

The back view (I had to make it bigger, that's why it's blurry)

So this dress was designed by Maggie Sottero  style # R1026. The black lace adds a cool detail that would be perfect for an October wedding. Simple post  but I have to get going so I don't really have time to say anymore. I will do my best to be back tomorrow. Have a good rest of your Saturday and work hard anyways.


Friday, February 18, 2011


Hello everyone! I'm back! I have been really busy this week working on projects and those stupied science journals. So Thank God It's Friday! To show off the comfort's of Friday here is a dress with pockets.

The front view.

The back view.

This dress was designed by Jasmine style # T448 avalible at Best For The Bride. The straps have a wonderful detail don't you think! I think having pocket's in a dress would be really cool except for the fact that I would probably have my hands in the pocket's all day. So here's to Friday and here's to wonderful weddings! I hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend and I will do my best to be back tomorrow.



Monday, February 14, 2011


I'm sorry I haven't had time to blog in a few days! Happy Valentines day! When you say Valentines day I think love, other than weddings when you say love I think Romeo and Juliet. Today I have decided to show you a dress that I think would be perfect for Juliet.

The front view

the back view.

With the lace over lay it makes it very romantic and a bit older fashion but it is still a very beautiful dress.

This dress is designed by Maggie Sottero style # J1083.

I hope everyone has a great Valentines day. If you were wondering why I am posting at 9:45 in the morning, it's because I feel like I'm going to be sick plus the fact that I am super soar from curling this weekend. By the way we lost our game because the other skip made his last shot in the last end. There is always next year!

I'll be back tomorrow!


Saturday, February 12, 2011


Sorry but I don't have time to post any more than this!
I made it thought to the final level of zones!☺

I do my best to be back tomorrow!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Princess of the Sea

Good afternoon! Today I have a lot to do so I'm just going to get straight to it, so here is my dress of the day. This is the princess of the sea.

The one and only view today.

This dress just caught my eye. This is a mermaid dress but the skirt reminds me of ballgown skirt but just lower on the body there for it is the princess of the sea.

This dress is avalible at Bridal Wedding style # WD0657.

So how did you like it??

I'll try my best to be back tomorrow but I have a party to go to so who knows!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sparkles on the Beach

Hello! Quick post today, I have lot's to do tonight! Today I was looking throught some dresses and I really liked this one. Here we go, sparkles on a dress that is perfect for the beach.

The front view

Close up of the top

The back view.

As you can see this dress is very flowy but the beaded strips adds some glam and demension. I think this dress is very elegant. I think this dress would work for a beach wedding or an 80`s glam sort of wedding.

This dress is avalible at Bridal Wedding style # WM0217.

So thats it for today, wish me luck on all these stupied projects!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Good evening! Tonight I wanted to show you a dress that doesn't fit my perfect dress idea but I think it may just fit into the mold of one of my best friends. So here is the dress.

The front view

The back view.

My friend Angelica's style is sweet heart neck line and dropped waist which is exactly what this dress has.

This dress was designed by Alfred Angelo style# 2168.

I like this dress but it is a very typical dress so hopefully I can find Angelica a more interessting dress.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Lady Gaga

Hello everyone! Happy Monday. Who am I kidding... put me to slepp so it'll be Tuesday.  This is the oposite  kind of dress that I wanted to show you today. I wanted to show you a nice simple dress but this is not it!

The front view

The back view.

This dress may not be crazy enough for Lady Gaga but is too carzy for me! This dress is truly indescribable.

This dress is avalible at Bridal Wedding style# WH0105.

I hope everyone has a great Tuesday I will try my best to be back tomorrow.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl Super Dress

Hello all football, and not football, fans! Today I wanted to incorperate a little football into my dress. Let's go team!(I'm not cheering for Pitsburge or Greenbay)

The front view.

A close up of the front.

The back view.

Your probably thinking... what does this have to do with football and the answer is simple, not much.  What I was thinking when I chose this dress is that the skirt has an almost gold tindge to it which reminds me of a gold medal which reminds me of winning and someone has to win the super bowl.

This dress is very cool the different colour with sparkles at the waist makes it different. The form and ruffeled skirt makes it more on the traditional side. Depending on the look you are going for the strap is detatchable.

This dress was designed by Maggie Sottero style # A3495.

Dress of the day... Bring home the gold (the name is actually Darci but my name is better☺)


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Simple Sparkly A-line

Good evening! Today I was at a first aid coarse then we went to church along with the fact that I have to get up early and curl for most of the day tomorrow but it was all fun and will be a ton of fun! Today I wanted to show you a dress that was just very simple and easy to blog, so here we go!

The front view.

The back view.
As you can seee this dress is a very simple a-line dress but the sparkly detail adds a bit of glam and fun!  So I just think this dress is super cool and it looks relaxed.

This dress is avalible at bridal wedding style # WM0392.

This was my dress of the day! I hope everyone has a great super bowl tomorrow.


Friday, February 4, 2011

Greek Godess

Hello Ladies!

Today I get to go curling so I have to make it fast but here I go! Here in Canada we have to deal with snow, lot's of snow so I wanted to show  you a dress that has absolutely NOTHING to do with snow. Think of the beach and a beautiful greek godess.

The front view

The back view.

As you can see this dress is super flowy with a beautiful spaklely( I know it's not spelt right) belt which adds glam.

This dress is designed by  Maggie Sottero style # J1413.
So this is a very beautiful dress that is perfect for a greek godess.
Vola! My dress of the day.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Just Can't Get It Right

Good afternoon all brides to be. This morning just couldn't go right, I took the wrong bus then I forgot my project folder at home and finally my left boot is cutting my heal. My afternoon was a lot more fun thought. I am going to show you a dress that I had no way of screwing up. Here is the dress that you can't mess up.

The front view

and the back view.

As you can see this is a very simple yet elegant dress. The flower adds a beautiful and interessting touch. Other wise you can't really go wrong with this dress.

This wonderful dress was designed by Mori Lee avalible at Best for the Bride style # 6706

So that's it for today but I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow and I will try my best to be back with another dress but I am curling in someones place tomorrow so it is just a matter of time.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day

Good morning everyone!! A snow storm has hit Ontario so we got the day off. I wanted to incorperate the snow of this snow day into my dress of the day. Let it snow!

Front view A

Front view B.

This dress is avalible at David's Bridal style# SV415 designed by Galin.

The skirt reminds me of the pilling snow outside my door. I think this dress would be perfect for a winter wedding.

I hope everyone enjoys thier snow day!
I hope to be back tomorrow with another beautiful dress.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Off The Coast

Hello and good evening! Sorry about not posting yesterday I just ran out of time. My teachers have been giving us a TON of projects and I'm so tierd of doing all this work. Half of the projects don't even ffit in to the subject that they were assigned in!! ANYWAYS today I was just looking throught a few dresses and this one caught my eye, this is my dress of the day!

The front view.

The back view.

I love this dress, I think it is very simple but the mermaid form and the flower on the sleve add just a touch of fun! Don't you just think it's just kind of cool?

This dress is avalible at bridal wedding style# WH0073. I think this dress could  be THE ONE  for more than one very beautiful girl.

I have to go work on my projects now! I will try my best to get another dress tomorrrow, if it is a snow day thier will FOR SURE be a new dress but you will just have to wait and see!
