Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Duke, The Duchess, Oh My Goodness!

Hi everyone! As you most likely know Prince William and Catherine the Duchess of Cambridge have come to Canada. Today I had the opportunity to welcome them at the Governor generals house. They actually got out of there car right in front of us! So here are a few of my pictures of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

The car they arrived in.

The far away view of Prince William.

The zoomed in version of the top picture.

This was the best picture I could get of the Duchesses face.

A wonderful picture of Catherine the duchess of Cambridge from the back. Her hair is SO perfect!
Well it may not be a wedding dress but it is fantastic! These were pictures taken yours truly and so far this is my favourite post ever! Tomorrow is Canada day so I'm thinking of maybe doing a red and white themed dress. I love the royals!  See you tomorrow!


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